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七下期末复习1 作文集合

2023-06-24 01:30:31 来源:哔哩哔哩





话题1 活动类


假如你是 Jane,你的笔友Tina来信想知道你和家人在周日的活动。请你根据以下表格提示内容用英语写一封回信向 Tina介绍你和家人每周日的活动安排。


Dear Tina,

Thanks for your letter!You wanted  to know about my family's activities on Sunday.Well,we all have different things we like to do.

My dad usually goes for a long run in the morning and then spends some time working on his computer.My mom likes to do some gardening and catch up on her reading.My younger brother likes to play video games or watch YouTube videos.

As for me,I usually spend some time practicing my guitar or reading a book.Sometimes,I also go out to meet up with friends.

We all have different interests and hobbies,so we spend our Sundays doing what we enjoy the most.It's a nice way to relax and recharge before the start of the new week.

What about you and your family?Do you have different activities you like to do on weekends?Let me know in your next letter.

Take care!



假如你是 Helen,下表是你周一一天的生活作息表。请你根据以下提示内容用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的一天。

Helen's Day

7:00 起床

7:15 吃早饭

7:40 去上学

8:00 上课

12:00 吃午饭

14:00 上课

17:30 放学

19:00 做作业

21:30 睡觉


My name is Helen.I want to share with you my typical Monday schedule.I wake up at 7:00and have breakfast at 7:15.Then I go to school at 7:40.I have classes starting at 8:00 until 12:00 when I have lunch.After lunch,I go back to class at 2:00pm and finish at 5:30pm.When I get home,I start my homework at 7:00pm.I try to finish it before 9:00pm so that I can go to bed and get enough rest for the next day.This is my usual schedule on weekdays.I hope you enjoyed reading about my daily routine.


假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jess发来电子邮件询问你的周末计划。请根据下图提示给Jess 回一封电子邮件。 The weekend plan


Morning: go running,do homework, watch a show

Afternoon:go fishing


Morning:climb the mountain

Afternoon:play basketball


Dear Jess,

It's great to hear from you!You asked about my weekend plans. Well,on Saturday morning,I plan to go for a run and then do some homework.In the afternoon,my friends and I are planning to go fishing.We hope to catch some big fish!

On Sunday morning,I 'm going to climb a mountain with my family.It's going to be a bit challenging,but I 'm excited to see the view from the top.In the afternoon,I have a basketball game with my school team.We've been practicing hard,so I hope we can win the game.

That's my weekend plan.What about you?What do you like to do on weekends?Let me know in your next email.

Take care,

Li Hua



Time:last Saturday  (school trip)

Place:a farm

The Activities:

milk cows and sheep;help the farmers,pick apples;take some photos


tired but happy


Last Saturday,our school organized a campus trip to a farm.We

had a great time there!

We got to milk cows and sheep,which was a new experience for

most of us.It was interesting to learn how to do it and we all had a

lot of fun.After that,we helped the farmers pick some apples.It was

hard work,but we felt proud of what we had accomplished.We also

took some photos to remember the trip.It was a beautiful day and

the scenery was amazing.

By the end of the day,we were tired but happy.It was a great

opportunity to learn more about rural life and appreciate the hard

work farmers do every day.We hope to have more trips like this in

the future.

题 目5


Place:The Art Center 

Time:last month 

Activities:visited an Art Museum;watched paintings;watched a dance show 

Feeling:learned a lot about the history of paintings


Last month,I went on a trip with my school's English Club to the Art Center.It was a fun and educational experience.

We visited an Art Museum and got to see some amazing paintings.It was interesting to learn about the history behind each painting and the techniques used by the artists.We also got to watch a dance show,which was beautiful and graceful.

One of my biggest takeaways from the trip was how much I learned about the history of paintings.I had never really thought about it before,but seeing the paintings in person and learning about their stories made me appreciate them even more.

Overall,it was a great experience and I 'm grateful to have hadthe opportunity to go on this trip with my English Club.It was a great way to learn more about art and culture while having fun with my friends.




1. How did you get to Sanya?

2. What did you do there?

3. How did you feel?


Last summer,my parents and I went to Sanya for a vacation.We took a plane to get there and it was a long but exciting journey.

During our trip,we did a lot of fun activities.We spent a lot of time at the beach,swimming and sun  bathing.We also went on a boat tour around the island,where we saw some beautiful scenery and even some dolphins!One of my favorite memories was trying all the delicious sea food at a local night market.

Overall,we had an amazing time in Sanya.The weather was perfect and the scenery was stunning.We felt relaxed and happy during our trip,and it was a great opportunity to spend quality time together as a family.

I hope we can go back to Sanya someday and make even more memories together.

话题2 介绍类


动物是人类的好朋友,每个人都有自己喜欢的动物。请你根据以下提示内容以“Myfavorite animal”为题用英语写一篇短文向大家介绍你最喜爱的动物。

My favorite animal





My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is the panda.Pandas have black and white fur,which makes them look like they are wearing a tuxedo.They have a  round face and big,black circles around their eyes.

pandas are herbivores and they eat bamboos.They spend most of their time sleeping and eating.Pandas are also very good climbers and can climb trees easily.

Pandas are very gentle and kind animals.They are also very shy and don't like to be around other animals.They are very playful and like to roll around and play with toys.

Overall,I love pandas because they are cute and friendly.They are  also very important to our environment because they help to spread bamboo seeds and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.




Welcome to Our Restaurant!

Kinds: noodles、dumplings、rice and specials 

Sizes: small bowls、medium bowls、large bowls


Hello everyone,welcome to our restaurant.I would like to introduce our menu to you.We have a variety of dishes to choose from,including noodles,dumplings,rice and specials.

Our noodles come in small,medium and large bowls,depending on your appetite.We also have a variety of flavors to choose from, including spicy,sour and savory.Our dumplings are also available in small,medium and large sizes,and come with different fillings,such as pork,chicken and vegetables.For those who prefer rice dishes,we have a variety of options, such as fried rice,egg fried rice and vegetable rice.If you're feeling adventurous,we also have some special dishes,which is sure to tickle your taste buds.

So if you're looking for a tasty meal with a variety of options to choose from,come visit our restaurant.We are confident that you will enjoy your dining experience with us.



假如你是 Judy,最近你们班开展了关于学生出行方式的问卷调查。现在请你根据以下调查结果。用英语写一篇发言稿对此次调查结果进行简单介绍。

10人 walk to school

15人 ride bikes

6人 take the subway

17人 take the bus


Hello everyone,

I am Judy,and today I want to share with you the results of the recent survey we conducted about the ways students travel to school.

Out of the 48students in our class,10students prefer walking to school.Walking is not only good for our health,but it also helps to reduce traffic on the roads.15students prefer to ride bikes to school, which is an eco-friendly option.6 students take the subway to school. The subway is a convenient and fast way to travel,especially for those who live far away from school.Finally,17students take the bus to school.Taking the bus is a good opportunity to socialize with friends.

Overall,I am glad to see that many of us are choosing sustainable and healthy ways to travel to school.Let's continue to make smart choices that benefit both ourselves and the environment.Thank you.

题 目2

假如你是李华, 这周日你想邀请你的好朋友Ted来你家一起写作业,但他不知道到你家的具体路线。请你根据以下表格提示内容用英语写一封邮件,向Ted介绍到达你家的方式及路线。








Dear Ted,

How are you doing?I 'm writing to invite you to my house thisSunday to do homework together.However,I realized that you may not know how to get to my house.Don't worry,I 'll give you some directions to help you find your way.

Firstly,you can take the No.5bus to North Street.Then,walkstraight along North Street for about 10minutes until you reach the first crossroad.Turn right at the crossroad and go straight for 5 minutes until you see a post office on your left.My house is located behind the post office.

Hope the directions I provided are clear enough for you to follow.I 'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Best regards,

Li Hua



假如你是班长李华,你班最近来了一位同学 Mike,为让他更快融入班级,请你用英语写篇短文向Mike 介绍你班的一些规章制度。








Welcome to our class!I 'm Li Hua,the monitor.To help you betteradapt to our class,I 'd like to introduce some rules to you.

Firstly,we are required to arrive at school on time and attendclasses punctually.Secondly,it is mandatory for all students to wear school uniforms to school.Thirdly,fighting is prohibited in our school. We should settle disputes in a peaceful way.Fourthly,eating during class is not allowed.It could disturb the class and affect other students'learning.Lastly,bringing mobile phones into the classroom is not allowed either.It could distract the teacher and students.

I hope these rules could help you better understand our schoolculture.If you have any questions or concerns,feel free to ask me or your classmates.We are all here to help each other.
